Want an appointment?

Online appointments

Call 04 384 8313 or 0800 842 749

Text hello to 027 774 9746 and we’ll call you back.

Email hello@thephysiospot.co.nz

Clinic locations

Main Clinic

Level 9, 57 Willis Street.

Same day appointments usually available.

(Central City, opposite Wellington Central Library)


Phone: 04 384 8313
or 0800 842-749
Txt: 027 774 9746
Email: hello@thephysiospot.co.nz

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Victoria University Kelburn Campus

Room 203, 14 Waiteata Road (Next to the Rec Centre)

Phone: 04 384 8313
or 0800 842-749
Txt: 027 774 9746
Email: hello@thephysiospot.co.nz

View Map


Five Rivers Medical Center

1 Arbor Place

Greytown 5794

South Wairarapa


Phone: 06 3049443

Email: info@willisstreetphysiotherapy.co.nz

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the team


Check out our team profiles

Our Story

Kia Ora, thank you for reading our story

The team at Willis Street Physiotherapy launched The Physio Spot, a new social enterprise offering discounted physiotherapy to full time students and community card holders in November 2018, but the story began back in the winter of 2013, when Willis Street started operating the campus based clinic at Victoria University. Prior to opening at Vic, the Willis Street team had only sketchy knowledge of working with young people. They had all been young once (some more recently than others) and the collective memory of student days was of a carefree time of bad fashion, cheap beer and experimentation with strange and mysterious musical tastes. From a physiotherapy perspective we welcomed the opportunity to work with students, we suspected they would mostly have more resilient, flexible, quicker to heal bodies than our typical corporate client base.

Over the next 5 years

We learnt a lot about working with young people. Some of them were indeed flexible and quick to heal. Others were carefree, and sustained strange injuries after falling off weird things (possibly whilst listening to mysterious music). Many others had complex presentations, involving both mental and physical factors. As a team we underwent a lot of up-skilling, particularly in mental health, we engaged with the Wellbeing group, the wider student body, the multidisciplinary team at student health. We upped our game in areas of importance to our youth clients. We reviewed our outlook on gender diversity, and ensured all our team underwent detailed training so that our spaces would be safe for all clients. We reviewed our approach to cultural equity, and drew on expertise, including that of our own diverse workforce, to ensure that we were welcoming and culturally responsive to all clients.

Our physiotherapy workforce evolved

We expanded the team, particularly recruiting physiotherapists passionate and knowledgeable about working with young people. In 5 years, between 2013 and 2018 we welcomed thousands of students both into our campus clinic, and our main sites.

Alongside expanding our youth service throughout this period we were also working hard on a pilot programme for the Ministry of Health called ‘The Mobility Action Programme – MAP’. This was another step outside our previous client demographic (who had largely been professional clients based in the CBD). MAP is an equity-based initiative, working with clients with osteoarthritis to improve their mobility and wellness. We worked closely with GP practices across the region, to ensure that we reached the clients with greatest need for support. As an organisation we began to feel a much stronger sense of responsibility for taking action to support communities for whom there are barriers to accessing physiotherapy services.

The Physio Spot

Our work in the community, and with youth, led us to launching The Physio Spot. The Physio Spot is fully integrated within our main Willis Street Physiotherapy business, with Willis Street Physiotherapy donating resources to The Physio Spot to enable it to operate discounted appointments to both full time students and community service card holders. A portion of every Physio Spot appointment payment will help fund physiotherapy for someone who would not otherwise access treatment.

We will use these funds to address inequity in our health system one project at a time. We will measure our impact, seek sustainable funding, and then tackle another problem.

Beyond working on minimising the cost barrier, the Physio Spot aims to minimise other barriers to accessing services, with a focus on the way we communicate, ensuring we are non-intimidating, client focused, not just on the homogeneous concept of a client, but based on a diverse client base, all of whom we want to feel safe and welcome and achieve the best outcomes they can to recover from injury, address chronic pain and stay active.


Next Steps

The Physio Spot has teamed up with HealthFit Collective to launch our newest location in a state of the art, integrated health centre ‘Five Rivers Medical Centre’ which opened in Greytown, South Wairarapa!

what we do

The Physio Spot team want everyone who needs physiotherapy to be able to access it.

  • Our pricing is kept low for students and CSC holders.

  • Our communication is non intimidating and customer focused.

  • Our space is welcoming to all. 

At the Physio Spot our goal is to create a place that everyone will feel safe, motivated and able to achieve the best outcomes they can to address pain, and recover from injury and stay active.


Check out our team profiles


Half price for full time

Students and

Community Service

Card holders

Read more about pricing